Netflix, the global streaming service, has announced a new animated series focusing on the world of Minecraft. The news was unveiled during developer Mojang’s 15th anniversary celebrations for the blocky building game.

“Just as we’ve wrapped up our 15-day long 15th-anniversary celebration, we have even more exciting news to share with all of you. Hold on to your party hats,” said the release.

Minecraft X Netflix

WildBrain, a studio renowned for its work on shows like Sonic Prime, Ninjago: Dragons Rising, and Carmen Sandiego, is leading the charge in bringing this adaptation to life.

The trailer shows a Creeper spitting at the screen before a cavernous environment filled with lava leads to Netflix’s signature “N”. The entire scene is rendered in the Mincraft pixelated treatment as 8-bit bats swoop overhead and rivers of lava fill the environment.

The release from Minecraft states that this version of the popular multiplayer online building game will feature all new characters and “reflect the world in a new light.”

The game has been celebrated across all playable platforms over the past few weeks. Even Google released a searchable version of the world-builder for its 15th anniversary.

Google then set a series of clickable breadcrumbs for users to move through, showing off many Minecraft-themed vignettes. Minecraft’s in-game Bedrock Market also offered free skins and items for each day of the two-week-long celebration of blocks.

Meanwhile, Mojang has been tight-lipped about a release date for the eagerly anticipated V1.21 patch update. New and old players always anticipate the new biomes, cosmetics, and tools that an update brings. The title will include new Blocks and Mobs, which will open up various building options.

The blocks are:

  • Crafter: A new redstone-powered automatic crafting station
  • Trial Spawner: The Trial Spawner will spawn enemies that reward you with loot
  • Copper bulb: A new light-source block garnished with a copper trim

The new Mobs are:

  • Armadillo: You will find Armadillos in warm biomes and if you kill them they will drop their tough armored skin, which you can use to craft into your own defensive clothing
  • The Breeze: The Breeze is a purple-bodied creature with a head made of wind – a bit like a Tornado. It deals with wind damage that explodes and takes a chunk off your health bar

Featured image: Mojang.

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