Think small for attainable New Year’s resolutions

Parradee Kietsirikul/Getty Images AFTER our joyful revelling comes the inevitable season of good intentions. When we make our New Year’s resolutions, we often set ourselves


IBM will release the largest ever quantum computer in 2025

Multiple copies of IBM’s quantum Flamingo chip can be connected together IBM IBM is planning to build the largest quantum computer so far, by linking


Why looking after your skin is so crucial to your long-term health

The skin is by far the body’s biggest organ. Depending on your height and body mass, it covers an area of around 1.5 to 2


The stargazing events to look forward to in 2025

The northern lights in Denali National Park in Alaska in 2024 Tom Walker/Alamy As the new year approaches, I like to take a moment to


Ozempic and Wegovy have heart health benefits beyond just weight loss

Illustration of semaglutide activating a key receptor, called GLP-1 JUAN GAERTNER/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Alamy The active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy, a drug called semaglutide, can


Ancient checked dress may be Europe’s oldest two-colour garment

  A reconstruction of the dress from an Iron Age grave in the Netherlands, created by Prehistorisch Dorp in Eindhoven Hanna Geels A 2800-year-old red


Will miners finally start harvesting metals from the seabed in 2025?

A Chinese deep-sea mining vehicle during a trial in the Pacific Ocean in July 2024 Credit: Shanghai Jiao Tong University/Handout via Xinhua/Alamy Mining companies are


AI-powered avatars can gesture naturally as they speak

Humans use both speech and gestures to convey information Stanford University An artificial intelligence model can make virtual avatars gesture naturally to match spoken words


Fights over geoengineering experiments will heat up in 2025

Some researchers propose counteracting global warming by reflecting more sunlight into space Shutterstock/Pablo Joanidopoulos With the world set to blow past 1.5°C of warming, researchers


Snow days set to disappear across much of the US

A white-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus townsendii) in the snow AUSLOOS Henry/Hemis/Alamy Days with snow covering the ground are set to become less common across much of