COPD: Inhalable nanoparticles could help treat chronic lung disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease affects the lungs SEBASTIAN KAULITZKI/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY Delivering medication to the lungs with inhalable nanoparticles may help treat chronic obstructive pulmonary


SpaceX aims to let astronauts avoid a radio blackout during re-entry

Artist’s impression of the uncrewed Orion capsule re-entering Earth’s atmosphere. The real thing returned safely to Earth in 2022 NASA SpaceX is about to test


Blood vessels made with 3D-printed ice could improve lab-grown organs

A 3D-printed ice template of blood vessels Philip LeDuc et al./Carnegie Mellon University Complex artificial organs could be created by 3D printing a mould of


Sensitive prosthetic lets man feel hot and cold in his missing hand

Fabrizio Fidati tests the temperature-sensitive prosthetic arm EPFL Caillet A man who had his right arm amputated below the elbow has been able to feel


AMOC collapse: Atlantic current shutdown is a real danger, suggests simulation

An ocean current that flows from the tropics to the North Atlantic has a big influence on Europe’s climate Jens Carsten Rosemann Is there a


Hominins may have left Africa 700,000 years earlier than we thought

Our hominin ancestors originated in Africa and the consensus is that they didn’t leave there until about 1.8 million years ago, but stone tools found


Super Earths that seem to have oceans may actually be covered in magma

An illustration of exoplanet K2-18b based on scientific observations NASA, ESA, CSA, Joseph Olmsted (STScI) A type of planet thought to be capable of supporting


Minecraft could be the key to creating adaptable AI

Minecraft is a game for humans, but it could help AI too Minecraft Minecraft is not only the best-selling video game in history, it could


Old milk can be used to extract gold and other metals from e-waste

A gold nugget obtained from electronic waste Raffaele Mezzenga An aerogel made from old milk can extract highly pure gold nuggets from discarded computer motherboards.


Hottest January on record sees the world reach 1.7°C warming mark

Devastating wildfires have raged in Chile following extreme heat and drought in January JAVIER TORRES/AFP via Getty Images The temperature records keep on coming. This