Ukrainian refugees with HIV adjust to care abroad

When Anna Aryabinska fled from Kyiv in March 2022 with her ex-partner’s children, she had little idea that she would end up supporting not only


Russlands Zukunft und der Krieg

I. Wenn wir heute über die Zukunft Russlands sprechen, ist das in gewissem Sinne wie ein Gespräch über das Leben nach dem Tod. Russland befindet


Die zwei Herzen Europas | Eurozine

Im Jahr 2003 veröffentlichten zwei europäische Philosophen, Jürgen Habermas und Jacques Derrida, einen gemeinsamen Artikel in Deutschlands und Frankreichs führenden Zeitungen. Darin kritisierten sie die


Russia’s (fading) influence | Eurozine

It is commonly said that the Russian aggression against Ukraine has further exposed the fault lines between Moscow and the West in the Western Balkans


Behind the green transition | Eurozine

We are in northern Argentina, near the Bolivian border, at an altitude of over 3000 metres. The sun shines brightly on the vast, snow-white landscapes


EU enlargement: A new approach

In an ironic twist of history, Russia’s unprovoked war has brought Ukraine closer to European Union membership than ever before. Even enlargement-sceptical EU member states


A history of unpopular protest

On 16 February this year, seven Just Stop Oil protesters were found guilty of peacefully blocking the distribution of oil from the Esso Fuel Terminal


What is to be done when nothing is to be done?

What can you do when you think nothing can be done? This question, raised at a recent conference organized by gender studies scholars at Columbia


100 years of republicanism | Eurozine

On 29 October 1923, an assembly in Ankara proclaimed the formation of the Republic of Turkey and elected Mustafa Kemal Atatürk as its first president.


Grensene for europeisk pasifisme | Eurozine

Jürgen Habermas og Jaques Derrida, to av Europas største filosofer i moderne tid, publiserte i 2003 en felles artikkel som ble publisert i ledende aviser