For Clare Vivier, founder and designer of Clare V., getting dressed in the morning is a ritual that borders on self-care. It’s a moment to check in with how she’s feeling that day, embracing a sense of play and fueling her creativity for the day ahead. As Clare showed me around her closet, well-organized and abundant with colorful clothing and accessories, it’s evident that the art of getting dressed is rooted in her love of storytelling. This passion guides all of her endeavors, and is especially on display in the cheeky messages that emblazon so many of her designs. Her playful mix of french and colloquialisms on much-loved apparel speak to a cultural mash-up that’s all her own.

Our team spent a recent Thursday morning with Clare at the Silverlake home she shares with her husband. Feminine and classic, it’s full of the books, family photos, and collected tabletop pieces that speak to a home full of lived experiences. Originally from Minnesota, Clare has a soft-spoken confidence that instantly puts you at ease—she’s a founder who leads through the power of her unique vision. Read on to learn how Clare Vivier starts her day and lives life with inimitable style.

Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.'s, Los Angeles Home

In conversation with Clare Vivier

What has been your biggest learning over the past year?

That I have to schedule more than I did before. Especially at work—I have to schedule time to not be in meetings so that I can get actual work done. As the company grows, there are more and more things to meet about.. which leaves less time for actually doing the work!

In a few words, how would you describe your personal style?


Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.'s, Los Angeles Home
Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.'s, Los Angeles Home
Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.

How Clare Vivier Gets It All Done

What does a typical day look like for you?

  • 6:30 AM: Roll out of bed, put on my robe and let my two little dogs Paco & Coquette out to the backyard. 
  • 7:00 AM: Make coffee and head upstairs to shower & get dressed
  • 8:00 AM: Out the door and drive to work.
  • 8:30 AM: I make my breakfast and usually an espresso and sit down at my desk.
  • 9:00 am: meetings start.
  • 1:00 PM: make lunch and a little walk outside along the LA river (did you know LA had a river?). Our office is in Frogtown and right on the river path.
  • 4:00 PM: I make myself a snack, usually popcorn or some nuts and chocolate.
  • 6:00 PM: Pack up and head back home.
  • 6:30 PM: Chat with my husband, and cuddle with my pups before eating dinner. My husband loves to cook and usually has dinner ready for me. How lucky.
  • 8:00 PM: Watch a show together while folding laundry or doing a little cleaning.
  • 10:00 PM: Head upstairs to start my nighttime skin routine, consisting of my Shani Darden products. Sometimes I have pack for a trip the next day. If not, at 11 PM I get into bed and read.
Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.'s, Los Angeles Home

Clare Vivier’s Morning Routine

What morning rituals set you up for success?

I make a pot of coffee and listen to a podcast, then head upstairs to shower and get dressed. My closet is my happy place. Sometimes it’s clean, sometimes there are clothes and bags everywhere.

This time in my closet, trying on clothes, is my morning ritual.

Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.'s, Los Angeles Home
Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.'s, Los Angeles Home

Describe your morning beauty routine:

I have a very minimal beauty routine in the AM. I apply Japanese Curel face cream, REL cream blush n Devon, and Thrive Liquid Lash Extensions mascara. That’s it. Almost zero time spent on beauty.

Clare Vivier's morning routine

What do you eat for breakfast?

On the weekends, I have an egg on a Guerrero corn tortilla with my cousin Nikki’s hot sauces, her company is Hot Mama Salsa and everything she makes is delicious. 

Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.'s, Los Angeles Home

What will we always find in your refrigerator?

A few french cheeses and chilled red wine

What are your favorite books?

Recently, I loved All Fours by Miranda July and Bee Sting by Paul Murray. I’m currently reading God of the Woods by Liz Moore which I’m enjoying. 

What’s always on your nightstand?

An eye mask, and a few books I’m reading.

Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.'s, Los Angeles Home
Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.

What’s your favorite getting-ready soundtrack?

I listen to podcasts in the morning. On Mondays, I listen to Smartless. On Tuesdays and Fridays, I listen to Pivot. Wednesdays and Thursdays are a little bit out there, but it’s usually On With Kara Swisher.

Do you work out in the morning?

On the weekends and when I’m on vacation, I always hike or go for a run. I also take tennis lessons once a week.

Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.

Clare Vivier’s Personal Style

What’s your daily uniform?

Gosh, I really don’t have a uniform. I dress pretty different everyday depending on how I’m feeling and what I have going on that day, but I wear button down shirts often. I love Les Prairies des Paris and Clare V.

Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.'s, Los Angeles Home
Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.'s, Los Angeles Home
Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.'s, Los Angeles Home

I wear flats to work—a few favorites:

What are one or two things you do every day to live a more joyful life?

Check in with Oscar, my kid, who is in college at CalArts. Play with my dog.

If you could pin your success down to one thing, what would that be?

My parents. They always instilled in me the importance of independence, creativity, hard work and giving back to my community. 

Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.'s, Los Angeles Home

Sentence Finishers:

I never leave the house without:

…an extra outfit in case I want to change.

If there were more hours in the day, I would:

…go for a hike every day.

One thing I want to be known for is:

…being a kind and supportive mom, partner, friend, company leader. 

Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.
Clare Vivier, founder of Clare V.

The one thing I fear the most is:


When I feel that fear, I:

…do something creative

One trait you need to succeed in life is:


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